ISDCF has worked with Eikon and others* to create open framing charts for the digital cinema industry.
There are 6 versions of the charts: (selecting any of them will connect to a zip file of the DCP)
- 2K scope – 2D
- 2K flat – 2D
- [2K flat/left eye, 2K flat/right eye] – 3D
- [2K scope/left eye, 2K scope/right eye] – 3D
- 4K scope – 2D
- 4K flat – 2D
All charts have similar characteristics. The chart below is for 2D scope 4K. When the projector is in the proper mode NONE of the red border will be visible. The ideal frame would show all the outside green line on all sides. AT A MINIMUM the yellow line MUST be visible on the screen (if not, you run the risk of on-screen subtitles would not show up). The center white circle can be used to make a brightness reading. The edge targets can be used for focus. The models’ color should look life-like. Colorimetry can be measured in the color squares with values shown above the squares.
Downloadable versions of the still frames are located at These are .jpg files and not the highest resolution.
This chart is presented as open-source copyright by ISDCF.
* Credit to Eikon, Deluxe and Cinecert for their contributions to this effort.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International License.